
Rules & Regulations

  1. Students should attend classes regularly and punctually. Disciplinary action will be taken against the students who come late, as deemed fit by the Principal.

  2. Every student should attend school in the prescribed uniform

  3. Students should put 85% attendance during the School year.

  4. No student should be absent himself/herself without obtaining leave previously. In case of sudden illness or any other emergency, the student should produce a leave letter from parents/guardian when he/she returns to school.

  5. Medical Certificate should always be produced for illness exceeding a week.

  6. Those students absent on the opening/closing day of the school during Dusserah, Christmas and Summer Vacation will have to pay a fine, as deemed fit by the Principal.

  7. Permission to go home during school hours, for any reason whatsoever, is to be obtained from the Principal on production of a written by the parents/guardian.

  8. Students are not allowed to see parents/guardians/visitors or leave the school premises during the school hours without prior permission from the Principal.

  9. Any damaged done to School property must be made good by the student responsible for it. It is strictly forbidden to write / scribble on the walls / desks, etc., and litter the classrooms/school premises.

  10. Students should take care of their belongings. They are not expected to bring any valuables or money to school. The school will not be responsible for any lost or stolen.

  11. The school diary or calendar is a record concerning the students. Therefore, every student should take care of the Diary and bring it school every day.

  12. Every student should take part in school games and other co-curricular activities, unless declared physically unfit or exempted by the Principal.

  13. Students should abide by the rules and regulations of the School detailed here and in the School Diary. Misbehaviors, such as, defiance of authority, repeated and willful mischief, physically assault on other student and any gross malpractice will incur suspension. Repeated offence will justify removal of student’s name from the rolls.

  14. Students are banned from having an internet account (e-mail, face book, etc.). Likewise no student of this institution is permitted to break civil law by using two/four –wheelers vehicle. If found guilty severe action will be taken against the student.

  15. Irregular attendance, insubordination, discourteous behaviour towards faculty members, inattentiveness, late coming, and neglect of work, unbecoming language or conduct and obscenity of any kind will render a student liable to temporary suspension or permanent dismissal.

  16. Students are expected to conduct themselves with dignity, and maturity on and off the campus.

  17. Students must strictly follow the decorum of public behavior and the use of abusive language and indecent manners in all their interactions while dealing with the teaching /non-teaching staff. Such repetitive conduct will result in suspension or expulsion.

  18. Though the school is not responsible for the conduct of its students outside the premises, it will take note of any serious misconduct of a student outside the campus.

  19. Stealing Practical record Books, notes, text books of fellow students or cash will result in strict disciplinary action.

  20. Books, periodicals, papers, CDs, toys etc. of objectionable nature should not be brought into the campus. Students caught with any such material will be severely dealt with.

  21. Students are not permitted to bring cell phones, MP3, video, recorders, iPods, radios, cameras, etc. into the campus. Such items will be immediately confiscated. Videography or taking pictures in the classrooms is strictly forbidden.

  22. The campus must be kept neat and clean at all times. Littering with candy wrappers, plastic cups, tetra packs, waste paper, defacing the walls or desks, damaging school property, etc., are considered as serious punishable offences.

  23. Parents are requested to cooperate with the School in seeing that the child prepares his/her lessons regularly, actively support with enthusiasm and participate whenever/wherever possible in the activities of the School.

  24. Parents should refer to School Diary/ calendar regularly and carefully. Remarks, if any made in diary should be seen and signed regularly.

  25. Parents /guardians/visitors are not permitted to enter the classroom or interview the teachers during the class hours. Prior appointment could be made to meet the teacher/s. If a student or teacher needs to be contacted during the school hours, this should be done only with the permission of the Principal.

  26. Parents /guardians/visitors are not permitted to walk along the school corridors during the working hours.

  27. Parents are required to see that their child/ward does not absent him/her from school without good reason and is regular and punctual.

  28. Children should be encouraged to be courteous in manner and speech. Neatness and cleanliness in dress and person should be insisted upon. Hair styling for any purpose, religious or otherwise, is strictly not permitted: normal short hair should be maintained for the boys and they are also required to be clean-shaven at all times: failing which appropriate action will be taken.

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