
Admission Procedure

    • Application Forms for Nursery to Grade 8 will be available online from 02.12.2024. The registration fee is ₹250/-
    • After filling the application form online, a printed copy of the application form duly signed, along with the photocopies of following documents should be submitted at the School Admin office latest by 10.01.2025 (9.00 am to2 pm) along with :
    • Your ward’s birth certificate issued by the Corporation.
      • Your ward’s Aadhar certificate.
      • Address proof (any recent authorized bills) in parent’s name.
      • Both parents’ highest qualification certificates and Aadhar certificate.
      • Caste certificate (If applicable).

    Processing of the application will take place only on submission of the above documents. [Submission Timing: Mon to Fri – 9.00 am to 2.00pm ]

    • Entrance tests will be conducted from LKG to Grade – VIII as the part of the admissions process.
    • Parents should accompany their ward for interaction and admission on the date specified by the office.
    • Our shortlisting process is not prejudiced in any way and doesn’t discriminate between sex, caste or creed.
    • No admission is complete until the Transfer Certificate from the last recognized school attended by the pupil is produced. If the pupil comes from another state, the Transfer Certificate must be counter signed by the Educational Inspector of the State.
    • The school does not accept donations in cash or kind at the time of admissions.
    • The Management/Principal has the right to reject any application without having to assign reasons for their action.
    • Kindly click the button below to open the online application form for admission and follow the steps mentioned.

    Please note: Admission is subject to the discretion of the Principal. Principal’s decision is final and binding. Recommendation for admission will not be entertained.

Steps To Follow:

  1. Please scan the below QR code and pay Rs250/-for the admission form.
  2. Kindly note or save the transaction idafter the payment has been done.
  3. Click the button below which will take you to the google form in a new tab to fill in the online admission form

NOTE: Transaction id should be noted after making online payment.