
Principal Message

“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.”

– Aristotle 

Education is the most empowering force in the world. It creates knowledge, builds confidence, unlocks opportunities and narrows inequalities. For children, it is their key to open the door to a better life.
Many people consider education as a medium of getting good jobs, living a royal life, earning money and much more. But education doesn’t really mean this. Real meaning comes when one’s way of thinking gets changed and one starts thinking for the betterment of the society, country and world at large. On the whole education means holistic development of a child not only restricted to the achievements of academics but also helping the child to come up with those inherited knowledge to build a better tomorrow; with a disciplined way of life. Education is one of the means to transmit the light of life and spread the radiance of it in the ambience in which we live. Teaching and learning offers us all numerous opportunities to focus on a number of “small things” that culminate over time to produce students who are prepared to do the “great things” of life.
As we impart education to match the advancement in the technology and globalization, we march our children ahead with MNS ethos of moral values and principals. We help them to grow and develop into sensitive, respecting all without any discrimination and responsible citizens of tomorrow.
MNS believes that the very act of assuring quality is to be surrounded in the thought process because quality assurance is not a product but an on-going process, a culture and a way of life wherein all segments of an institution are actively involved. We strive to endow student with a platform, helping them to broaden their horizon and in the process provide them healthy refined, holistic and substantial education. We firmly believe that every child has the potential to achieve something significant and something creative. Therefore, in our aim to provide quality education, we constantly enhance the quality of curriculum.

With best wishes,
Sr Ida Wilma Fernandes RNDM,